Sunday, May 31, 2015

An Update, and an Apology

I don't think anyone even reads this blog anymore, but I'm going to post anyway. First off, I apologize to anyone who does still read, for not posting sooner. Life simply got in the way. Well, life and an uncooperative laptop ;) I think that I have fixed the issue now though, so I should be good to go!

Okay, so, we went to Walt Disney World!!!!!! It was amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I did not care one bit that I never hit my goal weight. I happily posed for pictures, and had a fantastic time. Not once did I care about my size. And that's how it should be. The point of this blog is to get Matthew and myself healthy. Not skinny. Not that I'd complain about being skinny! But seriously, the trip went very well, and everyone had a blast. Even my grumpy husband managed to have fun!

I am already planning our next trip. And I truly do not care what my pants size will be when we go.

I'm sorry for the picture explosion! Oh wait. No I'm not ;) Here are a couple of the professional ones too!

Okay, I'm done now. I had originally planned on doing a cruise next, but the hubby gave me the okay to take the kids to WDW again next year, so I'm jumping on it! He will not be joining us this time (once was enough for him!), and I already have the entire trip planned. I think that I have a problem...

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