Saturday, March 8, 2014


Friday was lovely. It was a wonderful 40 degrees outside. My friend Joy and I went for a nice long walk with our babies. It was so great to get outside in the sunshine. I have missed going for walks! Plus it reminded me that I need to get Lucas' stroller back out. He is a pain in the butt to walk anywhere with. I firmly believe that our walk was what helped the evening not seem so bad ;)

Friday night was the elementary school's annual carnival. The kids love it, and the parents tolerate it. Usually I spend the evening hoping that I don't loose a kid while squeezing through the crowds, stopping to say hi to friends, acquaintances, and people I went to that same school with. This year it seemed much more pleasant. Maybe it was less crowded, or maybe it was because Lucas is finally old enough to go into the classrooms with his big sister while I wait in the hall. But most likely, it was the sunshine ;)

Really, the school carnival isn't that bad. It is usually very crowded though, and this year it didn't seem to be as crazy. I "lost" Matthew for most of it, but since I had sent him off with a handful of tickets, and his best friend, I wasn't too worried! I saw lots of people that I don't get to see very often, and that is always nice. All of that walking is a plus as well! I was ready to fall down by the time that we left ;)

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