Monday, January 27, 2014


The kids were off school today, due to the extreme cold, and poor driving conditions. No one was sad by this. Matthew's best friend Kyle came over for most of the day. Then Alyssa's friend Emma came over later on in the afternoon.

Before Kyle got here, Matthew and I both got 30 minutes in on the Wii Fit. Most of it was that darn bicycle. Those flags are impossible to find! We end up biking around for 25 minutes, the giving up, lol. it's still fun to do though. I Googled it, and I'm pretty certain that I need a Wii U just for the new Wii Fit. It looks so cool! Seriously, check it out.

We also did day 21 of our 30 day challenges. We are up to 100 crunches, and today was 145 squats. We are getting pretty good at both of those. The plank is still a killer though. I'm not sure how we will ever do 5 minutes. But we sure are going to try!!

We did not go to the pool for open swim tonight. I thought that small children with wet hair and below freezing temps would not mix well. We will try next week, if its not so bitterly cold out.

I still have not finished my Fitnet Tabata series. Maybe I will do that tomorrow... I swear I'm not avoiding it ;)

The kids have another "snow day" tomorrow. Maybe Matthew and I will do some Just Dance 2014, to change things up a little!

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